144 research outputs found

    Exciton interference in hexagonal boron nitride

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    In this letter we report a thorough analysis of the exciton dispersion in bulk hexagonal boron nitride. We solve the ab initio GW Bethe-Salpeter equation at finite qΓK\mathbf{q}\parallel \Gamma K, and we compare our results with recent high-accuracy electron energy loss data. Simulations reproduce the measured dispersion and the variation of the peak intensity. We focus on the evolution of the intensity, and we demonstrate that the excitonic peak is formed by the superposition of two groups of transitions that we call KMKM and MKMK' from the k-points involved in the transitions. These two groups contribute to the peak intensity with opposite signs, each damping the contributions of the other. The variations in number and amplitude of these transitions determine the changes in intensity of the peak. Our results contribute to the understanding of electronic excitations in this systems along the ΓK\Gamma K direction, which is the relevant direction for spectroscopic measurements. They also unveil the non-trivial relation between valley physics and excitonic dispersion in h--BN, opening the possibility to tune excitonic effects by playing with the interference between transitions. Furthermore, this study introduces analysis tools and a methodology that are completely general. They suggest a way to regroup independent-particle transitions which could permit a deeper understanding of excitonic properties in any system

    Characterization methods dedicated to nanometer-thick hBN layers

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    Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) regains interest as a strategic component in graphene engineering and in van der Waals heterostructures built with two dimensional materials. It is crucial then, to handle reliable characterization techniques capable to assess the quality of structural and electronic properties of the hBN material used. We present here characterization procedures based on optical spectroscopies, namely cathodoluminescence and Raman, with the additional support of structural analysis conducted by transmission electron microscopy. We show the capability of optical spectroscopies to investigate and benchmark the optical and structural properties of various hBN thin layers sources

    Excitonic recombinations in hBN: from bulk to exfoliated layers

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    Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and graphite are structurally similar but with very different properties. Their combination in graphene-based devices meets now a huge research focus, and it becomes particularly important to evaluate the role played by crystalline defects in them. In this work, the cathodoluminescence (CL) properties of hexagonal boron nitride crystallites are reported and compared to those of nanosheets mechanically exfoliated from them. First the link between the presence of structural defects and the recombination intensity of bound-excitons, the so-called D series, is confirmed. Low defective h-BN regions are further evidenced by CL spectral mapping (hyperspectral imaging), allowing us to observe new features in the near-band-edge region, tentatively attributed to phonon replica of exciton recombinations. Second the h-BN thickness was reduced down to six atomic layers, using mechanical exfoliation, as evidenced by atomic force microscopy. Even at these low thicknesses, the luminescence remains intense and exciton recombination energies are not strongly modified with respect to the bulk, as expected from theoretical calculations indicating extremely compact excitons in h-BN

    Entropy driven stability of chiral single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    Single-walled carbon nanotubes are hollow cylinders, that can grow centimeters long by carbon incorporation at the interface with a catalyst. They display semi-conducting or metallic characteristics, depending on their helicity, that is determined during their growth. To support the quest for a selective synthesis, we develop a thermodynamic model, that relates the tube-catalyst interfacial energies, temperature, and the resulting tube chirality. We show that nanotubes can grow chiral because of the configurational entropy of their nanometer-sized edge, thus explaining experimentally observed temperature evolutions of chiral distributions. Taking the chemical nature of the catalyst into account through interfacial energies, structural maps and phase diagrams are derived, that will guide a rational choice of a catalyst and growth parameters towards a better selectivity

    Measuring many-body effects in carbon nanotubes with a scanning tunneling microscope

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    Electron-electron interactions and excitons in carbon nanotubes are locally measured by combining Scanning tunneling spectroscopy and optical absorption in bundles of nanotubes. The largest gap deduced from measurements at the top of the bundle is found to be related to the intrinsic quasi-particle gap. From the difference with optical transitions, we deduced exciton binding energies of 0.4 eV for the gap and 0.7 eV for the second Van Hove singularity. This provides the first experimental evidence of substrate-induced gap renormalization on SWNTs

    Exciton and interband optical transitions in hBN single crystal

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    Near band gap photoluminescence (PL) of hBN single crystal has been studied at cryogenic temperatures with synchrotron radiation excitation. The PL signal is dominated by the D-series previously assigned to excitons trapped on structural defects. A much weaker S-series of self-trapped excitons at 5.778 eV and 5.804 eV has been observed using time-window PL technique. The S-series excitation spectrum shows a strong peak at 6.02 eV, assigned to free exciton absorption. Complementary photoconductivity and PL measurements set the band gap transition energy to 6.4 eV and the Frenkel exciton binding energy larger than 380 meV